Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My Reason For My Choice Of Potus


*I won't publish this, but I think it's important in here to note that I did not say that all of the Alex Jones and conspiracy theories are false.  But using false leads and doctored video's and obviously twisted quote is not the way to get anybody to listen and more, that practice trains their people to believe only what 'they' say, and, as I said here, plays only of the emotions and fears to pull your loyalty.

People are passing time now reflecting on their choice of candidates for POTUS. They ask legitimate questions, questions that I remember from my own days as a Republican, and discussions with friends on issues that reflect a persons deeply held spiritual and religious beliefs.
I don't want to be digging back into things of old past grievances long hashed over and already brought out to go into the hat of Donald's and Hillary's deeds, but a time of reflection on your own reasons of choices can go a long way while preparing for your own vote. I am not writing this opinion to tell you how you should vote, but to show you how to determine your vote. I also am not a published author; I am not writing from a professional point of view in literary content, but simply to state my own reasoning for my own decisions. My experience has come from listening, arguing, being convinced of one thing and then listening again until I get a larger picture of the various opinion of others, along with facts and the intents and motivations that have inspired those options.
I'm passing time staring at one of my completed canvases, noticing a few places that I want to touch up, which is where I often go to reflect, giving space to my own questions of the candidates that I’ve asked, and researched, more deeply over the past year, while also skimming through words online. This is my down time, my reflection times, along with long walks, skimming through pages online, through words and questions, and reflecting some more.
I find a lot of Christian discussions about who a Christian should vote for, and why. Since there are actually real people out there, in the 'real' world reflecting, or caught up in the frenzy still of the campaigns past, this puts me to my own specific reflection as well.
Whether I am or am not a christian isn't really important, although that was part of the question s asked, on both sides, “How can you as a Christian, vote for Hillary?” and “How can you as a Christian vote for Donald?” This shows us that there are those on both sides of the coin wondering how they should determine their decision of POTUS, as a Christian.
Myself, I quit the Republican Party because of my faith as a Christian, when I was in the church.
I don’t vote Christian. You Don't vote Christian; not because Christianity is bad, but because you want to vote for the works the candidates do and have done through out their public life.
You vote because of where you want to see this Nation go.
While you are making your decision is the time when you are listening to others, and other points of views. It is also the time when you are thinking about the internal health of the Nation. That moment when you go in to cast your vote, whether in a booth or alone with your pencil and ballot at home, you are going to have to vote by your own gut, only. Or heart, or brain. You have already done the work of questioning others, of listening to the various opinions. Now, you put all of this information, all of your feelings and gut reactions of the information together, and with out past thought, strike your mark.
I am not offering the links from which I have made my decisions because I am not trying to lead you on who you should vote for, but on how to equip your votes based on all sides of a given situation, which is after all, what education itself should be about; learning to discern. I will add one thing however; there are many who are basing their decisions on sites such Infowars, and other sites that have intentionally in the past posted material that have been blatantly doctored in order to sway your emotions only, and to feed your fears. I stay away from these simply because when I was following them was the same that I began to watch more closely and could see clearly the doctoring to video’s and intentional twisting of the words and phrases, even when a specific quote was given. The use of cut clips that focus only on a specific own agenda while leaving out the conversations that lead up to the snippets posted; These are meant to lead you into a focus that is, again, based on your emotions only, and to feed your fears. Put those things away.
My reasons for my decisions are based on reading about Ms Clintons involvements growing up. In her career choice days; in schooling and after. On the things she has stood for all of her life, working with the people on the streets, and her involvement and understanding of the need for an education that will give our future generations the tools to make their own informed decisions, in matters of reform and changes that will affect both the hearts and minds of the people as a whole. If you are going to go by a spiritual decision, I have found her faith to be based on actions and not belief of a doctrine alone, which, in the end, is what even spirituality is about; the heart for the people and those things that would enable the people to decide their own beliefs.
Hillary has been championing education and childhood since she was in school herself.
My first introduction to Hillary’s involvement in education and childhood matters came while I was still in the church and following the Christian spin that she was looking only to create a global generation that was against the doctrines of the church. That is what we were taught in my particular denominations.
I later came to see her desire to offer a well rounded education that did not demand that the coming generations believe something just because they had heard it all of their lives, but to arm them with the desire to do right by people out of the ability to see the needs of people in general; to arm them with the tools to be able to learn to study on their own.
My reasons are also based on reading the Whitewater entanglements from different websites and from differing viewpoints. I have read through these pretty fully because they were interesting. I didn’t memorize them, but made up my mind while I read, and then went back and read them again. My opinion based on that scandal as a whole is not important for this context, although I have written it elsewhere.
My focus had to turn to Hillary herself, and what she did with the situation. My reasons for my choices are based on reading the Whitewater entanglements from different websites and differing viewpoints. I read through these pretty fully because they were interesting. My opinion based on the scandal as a whole is not important for this context, although I have written it elsewhere. My focus had to turn to Hillary herself, and what she did with that situation and the, not unfounded, accusations of debauchery and deceit and her struggle to rise above it.
Bottom line; I am the wrong position to be able to publicly voice a persuading opinion. I said, many years ago even before I left for my trips that I had stopped researching because everything i had written was what i was pulling up in my research pages. My beliefs, even my brainstorming beliefs were the search engines outcomes, though reworded.
When i read information and blink only to find the next word is ‘blink’ in a report where that word is totally out of place, i know that me giving you informed information based on my reading is totally fruitless. This is not a single occurrence, but is the reason I have often thrown books across the room and stopped reading at all for a time. When my actions at moment change the written word, then all I can say is that you vote on those who have worked through out their life specifically to enable the people from all walks of life get a good education, and lead a life that is uplifting to themselves as well as others based on a persons own desires and dreams. I feel it is unfair for me to sway public opinion when the material I read rises to prove me correct regardless of what past may or may not reveal.
I vote for Hillary because of her past works for the people. I do not buy into the satanist material of conspiracy theory, nor do I buy the idea that the emails of wiki leaks are straight from the horses mouth. I believe they have all been doctored to give you the furthering of the claims that the entire government is working off of their satanic rituals. I have given my opinions and reasonings already in comments online; that you do vote for the person who has lived the life for furthering the internal affairs of the education of this nation, who have stood for the little people, with what she or he has done. The rest of the arguments are fillers to keep you dancing, what ever form of dance that your soul or present needs of the fight my relate to. and there is something for everybody. It does not good for me to try to offer you FACTS when their is enough out there to convince either side that they are correct. You will find what you want to believe because it is there For You.
I champion Ms. because she had a long road to walk, and walked it smartly. She also had to walk it in a male dominated government, in the same way that Obama had to walk his election in a White dominated world. That is not a plea for a “ poor them “, that is a shout out that, if they were going to earn and win POTUS and put some of their dreams to work for the needs they saw, they knew they would have to walk it, and they did. Many of you who have caught this post in the whirlwind of media are seeing and hearing my words only as a complaint of male domination. While that has been true to large degree in this country, it is also not the point I was making in and of itself.
All of this being said, i am to posting this statement. You vote on your own gut feelings when you are there with the ballot in your hands.
I champion her for getting through her and her husband’s Whitewater ordeal, and for the way she got her own loan and started her own investments in business. I can just picture her throwing up her hands and saying, “that’s it. I’m just going to get something of my own going. We tried it ‘your’ way and did this, and then ‘his’ way and did that,” so she stepped outside that box. She rode it out at the same time as striking out on her own. She did the same thing after the little charade with Bill and the Whitehouse. She ran for Senate, and got it. I wasn’t into politics at all then, other than the good gossip and jokes about how she was the one who made all the decision while Bill was in office. That indicates that she was learning, in the ways of the workings of that office. She had experience in working with men, and in taking charge In a situation when it had to be done, something that is important for any woman, or man. Mr Trump can do that also, but I am not making comparisons on this point.
She has the same fierceness as Donald, only, I understand she takes it out on her aides instead of the people. That’s a joke. I read the smut too. And true or not, that is a joke.
Saying all this, I have in no way demeaned Trump. He simply has not been active in those things that involve the inner workings of our society. Mr. Trump has not been active in the lives of the people’s needs, in the common core persons in our society as a life endeavor. He was playing. And I commend him for that. Everybody needs to be able to take a time of life to play. I am glad he did, but that was part of my factoring in. Education. The welfare of the people, both those who can work and those who can not. Donald lets his passion out in his fierceness of speech. He grabs the attention and doesn’t let go and, while he does have a good speaking pattern, he is rude in the presidential debates. Those kind of interruptions should be saved for political, or other round table, talk shows. Then they would be interesting.
I like some of Trumps passions. But I think he is younger than even Obama was when he took office. I think he has the makings of a General in him, but he’d need to be able to work with whoever is in charge; a person in charge having the ability, training and know how of saying ‘I hear you, but we are going to do it this way.” And, “Is there any way we can combine these two efforts?” Since, as I said, all of the other stuff concerning both Hillary and Donald are in the same hat of the past, both having shown that they are equally human and capable of seeking to rise above their mistakes. Judgment on either side has become a ‘tit for tat’ party. We are left with weighing ones supposed or alleged sin over the other, measuring in quartered sections each slice to see which carries more weight then the other on the scale of dark matters. The decision is now based on You to determine who can run the inner workings of This specific nation as well as working on relations with others. Look up their different stands and plans for education. on Foreign Affairs. or just reflect on what you have already taken in.
On Benghazi. I have based my decision on that by watching the hearings. I suppose I fell asleep about the same time Ms Clinton did, along with a few other of the members who had already admitted that they had been through this over and over. And that it was not going to be any different. Hillary was cleared. I saw the badgering of one of the women questioning her. Something new. An aide had said something about her and a phone use, which is covered elsewhere in some of the early briefings in passing, but had never been brought out. Ms. Clinton denied the position of the aide and stated what did occur. The questioner was demanding that she admit the aide was telling the truth and would not let it drop. Ms Clinton handled her self maturely and surely through the entire thing and would not rise to the bait. On the actual situation, I have nothing to offer because I cannot relate to what went on during that entire ordeal. I listened to both sides and know only from a security point of view that there are matters of confidentiality that must be kept for the safety of a larger matter, all too often, for me to make the decision for her wrong doing.
You vote because of where you want to see this Nation go .
I look at voting the way I do religious beliefs. In the end, you are on your own in that little space of paper and pencil, or box. This is your choice and knowing why you are voting based on your own beliefs, you, all alone. This is what the privilege is for. And you never have to apologize for it. No matter which way a presidency goes, nor how it ends, you do not have to apologize for your decision when you have looked at both sides and considered it according to your beliefs. And according to your opinion. This is a time when you get to use your opinion with out anybody demanding you prove that opinion with facts. Your opinion encompasses your feelings, so use those as well.
Recognizing that each candidate holds their own particular strengths. Recognizing that there are true, well thought out reasons from people in both parties, by people who want to see the best for their country. you Vote Thank you


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